“There aren’t many practitioners who prefer doing paperwork to spending time with children.”

Your people are your most important resource.

You need them to be motivated and focused on supporting children or – in the case of your managers and team leaders – supporting your practitioners to develop into experts in childcare.

Yet, the inefficient paper-based processes that many nurseries have in place take teams away from this important work.

Although it’s essential to complete the administrative task, there’s a lot of leg work involved – and a lot of opportunity to introduce inaccuracy.

1) Keeping all the daily paper work neat and tidy in a classroom is not that easy!

2) You have to find the time to check all the records your team make on paper in a timely fashion – and try to read the handwriting.

3) Once you’ve recorded on paper it has to be filed away…

4) …and then you have to fetch it again when you need it later.

5) It’s difficult to analyse data from multiple sheets of paper – which is why many managers often choose to retype all the information.

6) Re-typing information is duplication of effort and introduces the potential for more errors.

Your collective effort often results in an semi-picture of reality that’s of no use to anyone. It’s a lot of work for little reward.

How can you expect your team to have a total focus on what matters most if you’re making their job harder than necessary?

The solution: Prism

“Your team will be more focused when they know what’s expected of them and they are empowered to do the best job possible.”

At its most basic, Prism replaces inefficient paper-based processes with handheld devices and allows your team to spend more time doing the work they love: working with children.

That’s a great way to get your team motivated.

But although time spent with children is a large part of what quality is built upon, you also need to ensure relevant interaction with children and efficient use of time.

Transparency, insight and teamwork

With Prism, all the important information is collected digitally, so your team can access the records they need at the appropriate time at a click of a button – without needing a trip to the filing cabinet!

Unique reports even help your practitioners develop a deeper understanding of a child’s development journey and, for example, choose more appropriate activities based on their interest. It even gives you prompts to helps you make effective decisions.

Everything is transparent, so it’s easy for your team to get up to date – even if you’ve had to call in bank staff – and to get them pulling in the same direction.

Effective team work is great for building a loyal team and brings all important stability to your setting and the associated benefits for your team, your children and your business.

Knowing what’s required

“An empowered team is a more effective team, but the support a manager provides remains vital.”

As a manager, Prism provides you with a complete picture of what’s happening in your setting so that you can make sure your team has maximum focus on what matters most.

Easy-to-read displays show exactly what your team has been up to. So – whether changing nappies in the classroom or engaging in reflective practice – you can make sure everyone is making the most effective use of their time and delivering the best support possible.

In fact, Prism provides each member of your team with information about their own performance, with colourful dashboards showing what’s expected of them and whether or not they’re on target. These unique features are a great way to empower your team to focus on the most important work.

Not only will Prism encourage your team to take responsibility themselves, it’ll show you whether or not they’ve done so. You’ll be able to see the impacts of your team’s actions and able to identify areas of strength and weakness that your team need to work on as individuals and as a collective.

That means you’ll know exactly what support you need to provide to your team and, better yet, you’ll even be freed up from the unnecessary administrative work in order to provide it!

Take control of your customer accounts

Book a demo of Prism to find out how you can automate invoicing, empower parents and monitor your cash flow

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Ending soon: special introductory price: £749!

To celebrate the launch of our new subscription service, we are offering the full functionality of Prism for just £749 (+vat) for the first year. That is less than £65 per month!

Call us now on 020 8655 7888 to claim this limited offer or register below for a CHANCE TO WIN!

Thanks for signing up. We\\\'ll be in touch soon to find out how we can help you realise superior results for your early years business. If you just can\\\'t wait, feel free to give us a call on 020 8655 7888.